What is DUI?

DUI is one of the most common driving violations and it is penalized by all states. If you recently started studying driving courses, you must get familiar with what DUI is and the legal penalties. Also, insurance rates will be modified after a DUI conviction.  Every car insurance quote will prove this simple fact. If you want to know more about DUI, read the following lines.

alcohol_laws-497555-590x270DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) and DUI (Driving Under the Influence) are driving violations with two separate parts – one part is administrative and the other is criminal. The administrative component of a DWI or DUI falls under the domain of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). It begins when a law enforcement officer asks a driver to give breath, blood, or urine to run some tests. Although drivers are permitted to refuse chemical testing, refusal results in an automatic suspension of driving licensure in most states. Drivers who refuse chemical testing lose their driving licenses because Motor Vehicle Departments stipulate implied consent as a condition of licensure. By acquiring a license, drivers voluntarily agree, or implicitly consent, to chemical testing whenever a law enforcement officer suspects them of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Failure to comply with DMV mandated policies and procedures risks forfeiting the driving privileges granted by DMV licensure. Most states’ laws prohibit drivers who refused testing to apply for or be granted a conditional, restricted, hardship or other temporary license. Without a license, a driver is not entitled to drive until the suspension or revocation period expires.

Also, you will get a fine and some points. Each state has a clear system regarding the amount of money needed to be paid as fine and the points. Plus, consecutive convictions will increase the severity of the penalties.

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